Month April 2020

Linear Regression

What is Linear Regression? Linear Regression is a one type of regression technique that determines the linear relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It can be classified into simple(one independent variable) and multiple linear Regression(two…

Invoke Firefox browser using Selenium and JAVA

Versions used while doing this blog post, (These are the prerequisites to automate firefox browser. Browser and driver versions should match)selenium-java version – 3.141.59firefox browser version – 74.0.1 (64-bit)gecko driver version – 0.26.0 (Download link : ) Firefox browser can…

Invoke Chrome browser in headless mode using Selenium and JAVA

browser, web, www

Versions used while doing this blog post, (These are the prerequisites to automate chrome browser. Browser and driver versions should match)selenium-java version – 3.141.59chrome browser version – 80.0.3987.163chrome driver version – 80.0.3987.106 (Download link : ) Opening chrome in headless…

Invoke Chrome browser using Selenium and JAVA

browser, web, www

Versions used while doing this blog post, (These are the prerequisites to automate chrome browser. Browser and driver versions should match)selenium-java version – 3.141.59chrome browser version – 80.0.3987.163chrome driver version – 80.0.3987.106 (Download link : ) Chrome browser can be…

Cumulative Accuracy Profile

Introduction: Cumulative Accuracy Profile(CAP) curve is used to evaluate the performance accuracy of Classification Algorithms. It determines the cumulative number for required property(in y-axis) across the corresponding cumulative number for total population(in x-axis). Characteristics: Area between the curve and line…