Category Machine Learning

Dimensionality Reduction

In Machine Learning, Dimensionality is defined as the number of input variables for a dataset.More the input variables, more challenging the model becomes to do the predictive analysis. This phenomenon is called as curse of dimensionality. Hence, the number of…

Basic Data Cleaning techniques

Data cleaning can be a monotonous process in the Machine Learning project. The steps and techniques for data cleaning will not be similar for every dataset. Without proper data, it will be time-consuming to see the actually important parts in…

Linear Regression

What is Linear Regression? Linear Regression is a one type of regression technique that determines the linear relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It can be classified into simple(one independent variable) and multiple linear Regression(two…

Cumulative Accuracy Profile

Introduction: Cumulative Accuracy Profile(CAP) curve is used to evaluate the performance accuracy of Classification Algorithms. It determines the cumulative number for required property(in y-axis) across the corresponding cumulative number for total population(in x-axis). Characteristics: Area between the curve and line…

Brief Explanation on Confusion Matrix

Introduction: In Machine Learning, no algorithm would predict the values as exactly as expected outcomes. Every algorithm has its own drawbacks. Hence, we need to measure the percentage of positive classes by comparing the predicted results with expected outcomes. Here…